How Your Dentist Can Treat Food Traps Between Your Teeth

A food trap, as the name suggests, is a place between your teeth that traps food. Food traps aren't just annoying. They can also damage your teeth and gums if left untreated. This is because oral bacteria feed on the trapped food and then produce an acidic byproduct that eats into your tooth enamel and irritates your gums. But your dentist can eliminate food traps for you. If you have one or more food traps that are bothering you on a daily basis, then your dentist can help you in one of the following ways.

Fill in the space with a dental filling

Sometimes, a dental filling is sufficient to eliminate an annoying food trap. Just as your dentist can place a filling into a tooth, they can place the filling material into a gap between two teeth. The best filling material for this is composite, as your dentist can make this material the same colour as your natural teeth. This will ensure the filling doesn't stand out.

This fast method will only take about an hour to complete. But you will need to ensure that you replace the filling every few years or so as fillings eventually degrade and may suffer staining too.

Close the gap with orthodontic treatment

If your food trap is a large one, possibly caused by a missing tooth, then orthodontic treatment might be the best route to take. Since you are only closing the gap between two teeth, you could opt for a less conspicuous treatment like Invisalign, which is ideal for mild to moderate cases.

Treat the gum disease that caused the gap

Sometimes, gum disease is the cause of food traps. Gum disease causes your gum tissue to recede and pull away from the roots of your teeth. This recession leaves large pockets around your teeth that become food traps. Your dentist will first need to clean your teeth and the area around the pockets to remove the bacteria causing the gum disease.

Once your dentist has cleaned your teeth and treated your gum disease, they may then suggest gum grafts to restore the lost gum tissue in the area. They may then use tooth-coloured fillings to fill the gaps that trap food.

Food traps don't go away on their own. See a professional who provides dentist services as soon as you can to get treatment for your food trap before it starts to cause tooth decay or gum disease.
