Two tips for those who are about to undergo orthodontic treatment

If you're about to be fitted with orthodontics, here are two tips that should help to ensure that you are pleased with the end results of the treatment process.

Don't get into the habit of postponing your adjustment appointments

Everyone who undergoes orthodontic treatment needs to have their braces adjusted approximately once every few weeks.

Whilst occasionally, you may find yourself needing to postpone one of these appointments, it is important not to get into the habit of doing this on a regular basis.

The reason for this is as follows; periodic adjustments are an essential part of the treatment process. Tightening and altering the position of the braces on a regular basis ensures that they continue to place the correct amount of pressure on your teeth, as your teeth start to shift into the desired positions within your mouth.

If you postpone an adjustment appointment for a long time, your braces will stop placing pressure on your teeth. During this period of time, your teeth may even begin to move back towards their original, incorrect positions.

This could significantly extend the length of your orthodontic treatment.

As such, if you want your teeth to straighten out as quickly as possible, it is crucial to make your orthodontic adjustment appointments one of your top priorities.

Minimise your consumption of sugary and starchy foods throughout the treatment process

It is extremely important to minimise your consumption of both sugary and starchy foods throughout the course of the orthodontic treatment process.

The reason for this is as follows; sugar and starch are the main food sources for the plaque bacteria in your mouth. These microorganisms use this food to produce the acidic substance that erodes your tooth enamel and causes cavities.

For people who do not wear braces, the dental health risks associated with eating sugary and starchy foods can be somewhat mitigated by brushing their teeth regularly.

However, if you have braces fitted, your toothbrush will not be able to completely remove all of the food and plaque on the surface of your teeth, as some of these particles and microorganisms will get stuck in the crevices of your braces' components.

This could result in your teeth decaying to such an extent that, at the end of your orthodontic treatment, you may be left with multiple cavities and permanent staining.

As such, it is best to simply avoid eating foods which are rich in starch or sugar for the duration of the treatment process.
