Handy Aftercare Tips Post Root Canal Treatment

One of the standard procedures that dentists have to perform on their patients is root canal therapy. This type of  treatment is imperative when the pulp inside your tooth develops an infection, which subsequently puts the integrity of your tooth at risk. Moreover, any bacterial infections in the pulp could quickly spread to other parts of your mouth, such as gum tissue, so it is prudent to have the issue fixed as soon as you discover it. Fortunately, the root canal treatment itself is virtually painless, as the dentist will anaesthetise the affected site before starting the procedure. Nonetheless, proper aftercare is critical if you want to heal successfully. So what are some aftercare tips that can come in handy after receiving root canal treatment?

Tip 1: Wait for the anaesthetic to diminish before eating

You may come out from your root canal procedure starving, but it is inadvisable to grab the first hot meal that you come across. Because root canal treatment comprises the drilling of your teeth to access the affected pulp, there is a significant amount of tissue wear that will happen. Although you may feel numb immediately after the procedure, this does not negate the fact that your mouth will be quite delicate. Therefore, it will not be a good idea to ingest extremely hot or cold foods while it is in this fragile state. Moreover, since you will not be able to tell how much pressure you are using to chew, you could also end up causing undue damage to your mouth. Instead, it is best to wait until all the anaesthetic has worn off so that you can chew and ingest your food with care.

Tip 2: Do not skip taking your medication

A misassumption some patients have about root canal therapy is that the only medication they are furnished with is to help in pain management. Therefore, if they feel that they can handle the dull ache emanating from the tooth, they can easily skip taking their meds. In reality, it is not only pain medication that will be prescribed. Your dentist will also prescribe an antibiotic so that you are at minimal risk of developing a secondary infection as your tooth is healing. Forgetting to take your antibiotic or ignoring it altogether can put your tooth at serious risk, as it will be vulnerable to the bacteria that thrive in your mouth. Not only should you stick to a thorough oral care routine, but you should also ingest your antibiotics religiously as indicated.
